Hands-Free Driving

“According to the current law [in South Carolina], writing a ticket [of $25 fine] for texting while driving has to be part of a secondary offense, meaning police have to pull over a driver for another violation.” (Source: The State; Bill 459)
A new bill, Senate Bill 723 proposed would state: Any driver who is caught violating the law would have to pay a fine of $200. The bill has been approved by a House subcommittee and sent to the House Education and Public Works Committee.
NHTSA sited that 3,166 lives have been taken in 2017 alone due to distracted driving, the number almost doubling in 2018.
How many more people/teens have to wreck or die in this State before something drastic is done? I do not want my kids to be a part of this statistic when they are driving themselves in a few years.
By signing this petition, you agree that there should be a heftier fine than the one in place for distracted driving, that this should be based on the FIRST offense, and that these changes need to be made as soon as possible for the sake of all drivers on the road in the state of South Carolina.