CA handicapped parking
Citizens of California the handicapped parking system is out of control.I\'m truly handicapped and I\'m sick and tired of the abuses of the system I see all of the time.I\'m trying to get the laws changed and I ask you to help me if you are a citizen of California and a registered voter by signing this petition I want to send to the California State Assembly. This is what I propose.The fine for parking in a handicapped space without any handicapped identification doubled to $700 and automatic impound.Using someone Else\'s placard a $1000 fine and automatic impound and a $1000 fine for the owner of the placard and loss of the placard.A $2000 fine for any doctor writing a letter for a person not handicapped to obtain a placard.Owners of handicapped identification must provide proof of on going handicapped condition each year.Temporary placards must have a strict time limit as to when they have to be turned in and a fine of $250 if they are not.And lastly enforcement of these laws has to be stepped up..The only way we are going to stop this is to hit them in the pocket and make them think twice..