Change Halloween to the last Saturday in October

This Petition is sent to all the world that celebrates the Halloween holiday. (Would of sent it sooner, but 11/11/04 will have to do.) As with all great ideas there is a woman behind this one, our young daughter. We have three kids and there has always been conflict when we have Halloween on the weekdays, and especially on Sunday. Even when it falls on a regular week night, how long can we be out and when should we stop giving out candy When we switch the observance of the (lets say it, the Halloween holiday)to the last Saturday of October, everybody wins. All the kids will be off from school and most of the parents will also be off from work. After kids parties and trick-or-treating the adults can even have some HOLLOWEEN fun. This should also be great for all businesses; from costume and supply stores, to eating and party places. We all have fought the time with masks and costumes, getting the candy and all the decorations, and finding the time to do all this. Lets move this date and make Halloween a fun time and make our life a little easier.