End Punishment for Eating during Class
Dr. Slater: This September, Hall students became aware of a new policy regarding food in the classrooms. As Administrators and other faculty members have communicated to the student body on many occasions, it is now a punishable offense for students to eat during class. After testing this new policy, we, the students of Hall High School, believe that it is grossly inadequate, punishing kids who chose to take a full courseload and risking the potency of all students who work to better themselves here. Potency, of course, takes many forms. In a country beset by endemic obesity, we must do more than simply serve healthy foods in the cafeteria. Research shows that eating small healthy meals throughout the day not only reduces cholesterol, but also allows some individuals to better metabolize food consumed. Small meals also keep blood sugar constant and energy at an appropriate level. Failing to eat during the school day leaves some students at grave risk of suffering such medical ailments as vasovagal syncope that result from skipping meals. Most basically, students need a steady stream of sustenancebefore they can perform to their greatest potential. In addition to our worries regarding the restriction of the academic and physical potency of the student body, we also take issue with the de facto restriction of courseload imposed by the no-food policy. The Administration should fully support the academic pursuits of its students; those who chose to take eight classes should be accomodated just as fully as those who take five classes and have ample time for lunch. While we understand the stress under which we work, we respectfully submit that it is inappropriate in any circumstance for a school to limit the academic endeavors of its students. Accordingly, we ask that you rescind the recent policy banning food from the classrooms here at Hall. Thank you for your consideration. Most Sincerely,