Are you aware that our schools are serving halal meat to our children?? Are you aware that we were NEVER even given a choice?? I for one am not happy about my daughter and son eating halal meat at school. If those wishing to eat halal meat would like a halal option then fair enough, but where is our choice? Why should our current and future generations have other religious laws and customs forced upon them? This is predominately a christian country that is being forced to adopt another religion. Whatever happened to OUR human rights and OUR christian beliefs? Would we as christians be allowed to enter a muslim country and FORCE a religion and culture on the people? We can either allow this to happen or we can fight to keep our country the way it was intended to be, a CHRISTIAN country. A land that our fore fathers fought to keep ours.....Now its our turn, So: I ask you to STAND for our country, STAND for our rights and STAND for our children!!