Haiti Student Hunger Strike
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Support Student Hunger Strike for University Reform at Haiti’s Faculty of Ethnology, UEH (the national university of Haiti)
We are students and faculty at U.S. and other schools and universities who would like to express our support for students at the Faculty of Ethnology, some of whom are on a dangerous hunger strike for their demands. We stand in full solidarity with them as they add a courageous hunger strike to their continuing protests against the expulsion of militant students from the Faculty of Ethnology, for a full and proper program of studies and standard courses in your Faculty, and for other reforms necessary to the students.
This is a time, “the time of the abscess” as one of the students has named it, of terrible attacks against students and other young people around the world, who are trying to respond as best they can. In Haiti we know it is far worse than here, not only because of the destruction of several campuses by the earthquake and the social chaos allowed by a criminally negligent political system after it, but because activist students suffer violent attacks by police, MINUSTAH troops and vigilantes.
But students in Egypt as well as Haiti have shown that they know how to fight back, and they inspire us in our own campaigns against tuition hikes, budget cuts, loss of teachers and courses, and overcrowded classrooms.
Have courage, students: you are not alone! In the town of Madison, capital of the U.S. state of Wisconsin, university students like you are at this moment part of a massive occupation of the state assembly building for education budgets and union rights. Let us join forces with other students like those who are in the streets today in Libya, yesterday in Tunisia and Egypt, and last year all over the university towns of Europe, and together lance the abscess.
M. Jean Vernet Henry
Rector, UEH
Students of GREPS, Group for Reflection on Social Problems, Faculty of Ethnology, UEH
Students & Teachers in Support of Haitian Student Protesters
Undergraduate Anthropology Club, Hunter College, CUNY
Hunter Fights Back, Hunter College, CUNY