Hailee Seifert for 1L Treasurer
My name is Hailee Seifert and I would love if you all could sign my petition to be a candidate for treasurer in our 1L class.
I've taken multiple accounting and finance classes in high school/undergrad and loved the challenge. Handling numbers/managing money has always come fairly easy for me.
I love fundraising and volunteering. When I worked at a rehabilitation hospital last year, I was responsible for planning and managing all events the hospital would host for the medical staff. I volunteer at the animal shelter a few times a year and bring a car load of goodies to them during the winter holidays. I plan of becoming a member of Laywers Lending Hands this year as well.
I also work well on a team. I was a 2 - year captain on my volleyball and track teams. Bringing a team together involves a lot of communication and accountability. I am ready for the challenge of making the most out of our resources for our 1L class!
Thank you all,
Hailee Seifert