#Hackathon Lyon

What is the #Hackathon Lyon?
Do you know what a hackathon is? If breaking into computers comes to mind, the term has evolved significantly! A hack is simply a solution to a problem (think life-hack). And a hackathon is when a group of people work together for a short, intense period to help solve a problem.
The Indigitous community is hosting a world-wide Hackathon for Christian organizations to present projects they need help on. There will be over 40 teams gathered in cities all around the world making giant leaps forward in missional solutions on October 20-22, 2017. In France, the event will be taking place in Lyon.
Learn more about Indigitous here: https://indigitous.org/
This hackathon is also an opportunity to let technologists find their mission field! This quote from a past participant says it clearly, “I've never been in a setting where technology, missions, and faith are directly linked. This is the perfect space to see that come to life for me.”
One of the lead organizations in France is Agapé France. In partnership with the Church and Digital Innovation, they’re praying for 50 participants, professionals and students to come to #HackLyon.
More on Agape France:
Agapé France lives and shares the message of hope in a multi-cultural environment. University studentsare invited to think about existential questions in a non-threatening atmosphere through culturally relevant events and interactions. Athletes are introduced to the greater goal of faith in God. Agapé France invests in the foundational unit of society, couples and families, with multiple programs. The team uses fine arts and the internet to provide answers to life questions and distributes the JESUS film and other media to spread the message.
Please pray for these 50 participants and help make a way for them to attend here!