Postpone The Vote - GW Law Hate Group Policy
For the reasons stated herein, we the undersigned hereby request that the faculty of The George Washington University Law School postpone any vote on the adoption of the proposed Policy on Hate & Extremist Groups. The Policy has not been given sufficient time to circulate through the community, and it does not express the views of the entire student body. Given that there are serious concerns regarding its language, and the impact such language may have on (1) open debate, (2) freedom of speech and expression of ideas, and (3) SBA charted organizations’ ability to bring guest speakers to campus, we respectfully ask that no vote is held until these points and others are further examined.
(1) The Policy may implicitly recognize the legitimacy of one guest speaker while condemning the other.
(2) The Policy may impact student organizations’ ability to bring certain speakers to campus.
(3) The Policy may detract from the open exchange of ideas on contentious issues.
(4) The Policy may disadvantage student groups who wish to bring speakers deemed as “hate-groups” to campus by requiring them to pay for additional security.