Research funds Defense Approps Gulf War Illness
Clarification and simple marching action orders to all---THIS IS CRITICAL TIME SENSITIVE NOW MAKE THE PHONE CALLS AS REQUESTED GET TO ALL VETERANS ONLINE TO HELP! Sign the petition, notify others of the petition and make the phone calls Operation Desert Storm Veterans are making headway on Gulf War illness and need help to get House and Senate Defense Subcommittee to listen and to have funds put in to Congressional Directed Medical Research for Gulf War illness! WE got 5 million in FY06 that is being used soon re research proposals were recently reviewed By scientific Merit Review panel. WE got no money for this in FY07. Right now the Hill is working on FY08 appropriations...we need money appropriated and this is happenning now. WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK MAKING CALLS ON THE SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS. PLEASE HELP YOUR FELLOW VETERANS. Here is the petition Read it and act call,email, fax the Senators and Representatives on The appropriations list for Defense Subcommittee at the end of this message and help get others this info we need pressure on the phone lines starting in the morning. Email me results at IN CARING FOR VETERANS' HEALTH DON'T FORGET GULF WAR VETERANS Petition To Congress DIRECT TO APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES-Defense Subcommittee HOUSE AND SENATE TIMING URGENT APPROPS in PROCESS NOW! Petition To Congress - 175,000 Gulf War veterans still suffer from chronic multisymptom illness related to the 1991 war, according to the latest Department of Veterans Affairs study - There are no effective treatments. - A $5 million pilot research program open to all researchers and conducted by DoD attracted 80 proposals to identify treatments and diagnostic tests in 2006, compared to two treatments studied in the previous fifteen years. - While $5 million will support only a fraction of these studies, this response demonstrates the interest of the scientific community in improving the health of ill Gulf War veterans. - As Congress appropriates needed billions for the care of those returning from the current war, we urgently ask that it fund this treatment research program for ill Gulf War veterans at the $30 million level traditionally funded by DoD for Gulf War illness research before it was eliminated from the budget in recent years. - All major veterans organizations support $30 million funding for the Gulf War Veterans Illnesses Research Program of the DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program. - ---30% of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom are also returning with ill defined conditions/syndrome Source VA document - The VA Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses has found that evidence supports a probable link between exposure to neurotoxins and the development of these illnesses. - Treatments and diagnostic markers identified through the GWVRP would also serve to protect the health of current and future military personnel and civilians at risk of similar health effects. Denise Nichols Vice-Chairman National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition Maj,USAFR(ret) Operation Desert Storm Flight Nurse 303-422-2962 House Committee Appropriations Defense Subcommittee John P. Murtha (PA), Chair David Morrison, Subcommittee Clerk Room H-149 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2847 Democrats David R. Obey, Wisconsin, Chair (202) 225-3365 Republicans Jerry Lewis, California, Ranking Member (202) 225-5861 Fax: (202) 225-6498 MAJORITY Chair: John P. Murtha (PA) Norman D. Dicks (WA) (202) 225-5916 [voice] (202) 226-1176 [fax] Peter J. Visclosky (IN) phone: (202) 225-2461 fax: (202) 225-2493 James P. Moran (VA) Phone: (202) 225-4376 Fax: (202) 225-0017 Marcy Kaptur (OH) Tel: (202) 225-4146 Fax: (202) 225-7711 Robert E. "Bud" Cramer, Jr. (AL) 202-2254801 202-225-4392 Fax )4392 one: (202) 225-4801 Fax: (202) 225-4392 Allen Boyd (FL) (202) 225-5235 (202) 225-5615 Fax Steven R. Rothman (NJ) 202-225-5061 202-225-5851 fax Sanford Bishop (GA) Phone- (202) 225-3631 Fax- (202) 225-2203 Dave Obey (WI), Ex Officio MINORITY Ranking Member: C.W. Bill Young (FL) 202-225-5961 David L. Hobson (OH) Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (NJ) 202- 225-5034 Todd Tiahrt (KS) 202.225.6216 fax: 202.225.3489 Roger F. Wicker (MS) 202-225-4306 202-225-3549 fax Jack Kingston (GA) Phone: (202) 225-5831 Fax: (202) 226-2269 Email: Jerry Lewis (CA), Ex Officio (202) 225-5861 Fax: (202) 225-6498 SENATE Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Subcommittee on Defense Democratic Subcommittee Members: Senator Daniel Inouye (Chairman) (HI) Senator Robert C. Byrd (WV) Senator Patrick Leahy (VT) Senator Tom Harkin (IA) Senator Byron Dorgan (ND) Senator Richard Durbin (IL) Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) Senator Barbara Milkulski (MD) Senator Herb Kohl (WI) Senator Patty Murray (WA) Republican Subcommittee Members: Senator Ted Stevens (Ranking Member) (AK) Senator Thad Cochran (MS) Senator Arlen Specter (PA) Senator Pete Domenici (NM) Senator Christopher Bond (MO) Senator Mitch McConnell (KY) Senator Richard Shelby (AL) Senator Judd Gregg (NH) Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Senator Inouye 202-224-3934 /fax 202-224-6747 Senator Leahy 202-224-4242 Senator Harkin 202-224-3254/ fax 202-224-9369 Senator Mikulski 202-224-4654/fax 202-224-8858 Senator Kohl 202-224-5653/ fax 202-224-9787 Senator Murray 202-224-2621 fax 202-224-0238 Senator Dorgan 202-224-2551/ fax 202-224-1193 Senator Feinstein 202-224-3841 fax 202-228-3954 Senator Durbin 202-224-2152 fax: 202-228-0400 Senator Johnson 202-224-5842 fax 202-228-5765 Senator Landrieu 202-224-5824 fax 202-224-9735 Senator Reed 202-224-4642 Fax 202-224-4680 Senator Lautenberg 202-224-3224 fax 202-228-4054 Senator Nelson 202-224-6551 fax 202-228-0012 Senator Cochran 202-224-5054 Senator Stevens 202-224-3004 fax 202-224-2354 Senator Specter 202-224-4254 Senator Domenici 202-224-46621 fas 202-228-3261 Senator Bond 202-224-5721 Senator MCConnell 202-224-2541 fax 202-224-2499 Senator Shelby 202-224-5744 Senator Gregg 202-224-3324 Senator Bennett 202-224-5444 Senator Craig 202-224-2752 fax 202-228-1067 Senator Hutchinson 202-224-5922 fax 202-224-0776 Senator Brownback 202-224-6521 fax 202-228-1265 Senator Allard 202-224-5941 fax 202-224-6471 Senator Alexander 202-224-4944 fax 202-228-3398