Bring a Multipurpose Synthetic Turf Field to Guilderland High School
The Guilderland Central School District is in need of multipurpose turf field to support athletic programs so that they can compete competitively with other districts in Section 2 and beyond. Sports programs such as football, soccer, field hockey and lacrosse would benefit from accessing the fields earlier in the Spring and would be allowed to extend their seasons longer in the Fall.
Practices would not have to be as weather dependent. Many years the fields aren’t ready for play until well into the season, putting our teams at a disadvantage to other schools in the area with these updated facilities. Currently, spring sports such as Boy’s Lacrosse, begin their season on the blacktop in the main school parking lot. This past season the team was unable to have a single practice on an actual field before their first scrimmage.
Also, booster clubs for these organizations are using large amounts of their budgets to rent field times at SUNY Albany, Union College and Mohanasen High School. The boys’ and girls’ lacrosse teams commonly budget $8,000 - $ 10,000 to rent fields and arrange for transportation to prepare for competition. This is a financial strain on these programs not to mention an unnecessary risk transporting players to and from these off-site fields.
Please help our student athletes and sign this petition today! Thank you!