No Confidence in Cliff Guffey

We the undersigned are calling for the resignation of APWU president Cliff Guffey. As the By Laws of the Union preclude a Recall Election we are petitioning President Guffey to resign for the good of the Union. The following realities bring us to this position: 1) Failure to negotiate a new contract for the betterment of the workforce as a whole. 2) Accepting and promoting damaging provisions of the new collective bargaining agreement: a) Allowing a two tier workforce b) Accepting the addition of "non-traditional full time" assignments that may be less than 40 hours per week without revealing, or knowing the effect such positions would have on health plan, or retirement calculation. c) Lying in presentation to employees about the NTFT assignments, as to whether FTRs can be forced to take such positions. 3) Complete failure to speak and present cogent answers to congress when asked about issues of relevance to the employees you supposedly represent. 4) Failure to take action either legally or through the NLRB to charge the Postal Service with failure to bargain in good faith on our latest contract since it is apparent that the Postal Service KNEW the position it would take AND that regardless of any negotiated contract would then seek relief through congress, rendering the contract moot. 5) At best half hearted attempts at addressing issues of relevance to employees in the current postal crisis. 6) Seemingly openly taking management's position on various positions in testimony before congress. 7) Utter failure to take decisive action in defense of our jobs, retirement, and well being. Failure to cogently rebut management plans to deconstruct the postal distribution network. Failure to proactively seek pro union allies to combat union busting tactics of congress and postal management. Failure to cogently rebut management proposals to remove employees from federal health benefits program. Failure to cogently rebut efforts to attack senior employees by management and congress. As layoffs seem to be a goal of management and congress he has utterly failed to prepare for striking or even propose striking as a response to job security destruction. Failure to make proposals in congress that would call for changing or abolishing contract provisions that are hampering our workers as a response to management efforts to nullify portions of the contract that they find troublesome. We are suspect of Mr. Guffey's motives as evidenced by the composition of his lead negotiations team of soon to retire employees that virtually guarantees that repugnant provisions of new contract will have no effect on them. The use of so many near retirement employees in negotiations means that many of these people are completely out of touch with current working conditions rendering their decisions of dubious value. To quote Cromwell: "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"