Position of SU on its governance structures
James Harvey 0

Position of SU on its governance structures

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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This Union Notes: 1. The new governance of the Student Union does not allow a regular forum for membership to propose policy and vote on changes to the future direction of their union. 2. That the highest decision making body in the Union is the Student Assembly which is composed of a less than 25 elected officers. 3. That there are almost 8,000 members of the Student Union. This Union Believes: 1. The current Student Union governance structure is undemocratic, top-down and disempowering to the majority of the membership who do not sit on the Student Assembly 2. That the Student Assembly of elected officers do not represent the views of the whole membership and cannot adequately represent their interests without a regular forum for input from the whole membership. 3. Students have no forum in which to have a voice to shape their own Union because there are no longer Student Meetings in which each vote counts equally This Union Resolves: 1. That Student Union condemns its new governance structure as undemocratic, top-down and disempowering to students. 2. The form a working group to discuss how we can re-vitalise democracy and equality in Goldsmiths Student Union. Bring Back Democracy This Union Notes: 1. The new Union governance structure does not allow a regular forum for the membership to propose policy and vote on changes to the future direction of their union 2. That the highest decision making body in the Union is the Student Assembly which is composed of a less than 25 elected officers and trustees 3. That there are almost 8,000 members of this Union This Union Believes: 1. The current Student Union governance structure is undemocratic, top-down and disempowering to the majority of the membership who do not sit on the Student Assembly 2. That the Student Assembly of elected officers do not represent the views of the whole membership and cannot adequately represent their interests without a regular forum for input from the whole membership 3. Students have no forum in which to have a voice to shape their own Union because there are no longer Student Meetings in which each vote counts equally This Union Resolves: 1. To re-establish a forum, to be known as ‘the Student Meeting’, open to all of the membership, with equal votes for all the membership in which policy can be proposed, debated and passed 2. For this ‘newly’ formed Student Meeting to sit at the top of the power structure, that is, above the Trustee Board and Student Assembly, such that policy enacted at the Student Meeting becomes the policy of this Union 3. To amend the strength of the Trustee Board and Student Assembly such that they no longer have the power to veto the democratic decisions made at Student Meetings 4. To schedule and hold at least two Student Meetings per term, which should be advertised no later than three weeks prior 5. To enable the membership to call an Emergency Student Meeting with the signatures of 3% of the membership should such a meeting be required 6. To allow any member to submit motions, to speak and hold full voting rights 7. For the resolves of this motion to be enacted ready for the beginning of the Spring term commencing January 2009




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