Saturos, Isaac and/or Felix in Super Smash Bros. Revolution!
Andrew135 Howell 0

Saturos, Isaac and/or Felix in Super Smash Bros. Revolution!

163 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andrew135 Howell 0 Comments
163 people have signed. Add your voice!
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As we all know a new Super Smash Bros. game will be launched with Nintendo\'s next home console, the Revolution. Of course, there will be new characters. I am hoping that they double it fro 25 to 50. Regardless if they do or don\'t double it, I think that Isaac and Saturos (from Golden Sun) should be in it. Felix xould be too, but I\'d prefer Isaac over Felix, though it really doesn\'t matter to me. Isaac is a cool hero, and wields a sword, an I think there needs to be more sword wielding characters. If both Isaac and Felix do make it, i think that Isaac should have a sword and Felix a battle Axe. The game needs more villains, and Saturos is just an awesome one, he\'d fit in perfectly. With the characters Psynergy, a lot of awesome things could be done! My goal here is to get 20-30 thousand signutures (which is like 1/5 of NSider)and then I\'ll send it to Nintendo to show them that there are thousands of fans wanting this. And also, we can se if Nintendo really does listen to their fans. Thanx for your time and for signing! If you want/need to cantact me, can email me at: Please put \"petition\" in the subject, otherwise it won\'t be read.


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