New Grinnell school proposal - Let the citizens be heard!
Allison Utech 0

New Grinnell school proposal - Let the citizens be heard!

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Allison Utech 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Many people are unaware of the details surrounding the proposed new school building on the former RC Industries site (400 Hwy 6 W). This petition is designed to provide some information and to give the community a voice in this process before it is too late. As parents, grandparents, and family members it is of utmost concern to us the safety of our children. The proposed location of the new Grinnell school raises significant safety concerns. The location on a major state highway places EVERY child in grades K-6 at immediate risk, not only from general traffic, but the dramatic increase in local traffic to and from that school as well as those traveling that area to go to the high school. The absence of sidewalks only increases this risk. There is also remaining concern regarding the safety of the ground, water, and air in the area due to the dumping history of the businesses previously located there, as well as current neighboring and possible future businesses. These issues will remain a constant threat to the health of our children. The school district DOES NOT need to pass a bond issue to put this plan into action, so the time to act is now. By signing below, you are stating your desire to put a stop to this process. If not for good, then at least until a community-wide town hall meeting is assembled to allow our concerns to be heard and to allow us, the affected community, to have our questions answered. This is not a petition against a new school building, but one that is concerned about the current choice of location. The school district should not have the ability to effect changes such as this without full disclosure and community involvement. The community deserves to have a voice.


Kevin Utech


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