Allow Green Party of Canada in TV debates!

We believe it is fundamentally undemocratic to prevent Green Party leader Elizabeth May from participating in the national televised leaders' debates during the 2008 general election. WHATEVER OUR PERSONAL POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS, we believe that the Green Party of Canada has proven its relevance to the national political landscape by: -Fielding candidates in EACH national riding during the 2006 election. -Achieving 4.48% of national popular support during the 2006 election. -Welcoming its first Member of Parliament, Blair Wilson, last month. -Registering approximately 10% of national support in a September 2008 Ipsos Reid/Global/National Post poll. -Developing a thorough, far-reaching, and obviously serious political platform. For these reasons, we believe that the national media consortium (CBC, CTV, Global, TVA) should not bow to threats from other political parties; it should permit Elizabeth May to participate in the televised debates. We believe that if other political parties choose to boycott the debates as a result of this, they should explain their decision to the electorate, rather than hide behind media boardroom decisions. Finally, WE AFFIRM THAT WE WILL NOT WATCH THE NATIONAL TELEVISED LEADERS' DEBATES IF ELIZABETH MAY IS NOT ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THEM. We do this in the hope that democracy will prevail.