Greenalawns high school Fee Hike Clarifications

We have received the circular regarding payment of fees for academic year 2020-21. We do appreciate the waiver of 20000 Rs. in the fees from the management.
This is to highlight that we as parents would like to understand the compliance of the school, with the law of the land in relation to the fee hikes. We want to and need to be assured that the increments are as per the law and there is no malpractice. We have no objection to any compliant and justified fee hike and the due dates shall be honored accordingly.
Request you to please answer the queries raised by the parents regarding the same. We have communicated these queries to the PTA and they are still unanswered and hence raising the same to school management directly. Our queries are not directed to the teachers and there are no grievances that concern them in this letter.
Parent’s Queries
1. Does the school management at GHS wish to be transparent about the fee increments and justify the same ?
2. Please confirm fees collected for the last 5 years
2017...68825 /-
2019....95300/- (81800/- + 13500/-)
3. Please confirm that there is a fee hike every year as listed below.
2016 – 15.0%
2017 – 20.2%
2018 – 18.9%
2019 – 16.5%
2020 – 23.9% (considering 81800)
4. Please confirm that as per law of the land, fees can be increased by schools once in every 2 years and upto 15%.
5. Do the fee hikes in point 3 violate the law mentioned in point 4 ?
6. Is the 7th pay commission applicable to GHS ?
7. If yes then is it mandatorily applicable to GHS ?
8. Please confirm that teacher’s salaries and increments are part of only the school fees.
9. Please confirm that 7th pay commission based salaries are only part of school fees.
10. All tuition fee increments should cover salary increments. Can school collect any ad-hoc additional fees from parents for salary increments?
11. 13500/- collected in FY 19-20 is a school fee increment ?
12. Please explain the calculation for 13500 against the 7th pay fee hike.
13. All fee increments must be approved by PTA minimum six months in advance and communicated to all parents as per law of the land?
14. As per law of the land, can school collect any additional fees in any interim period during the academic year ?
15. Did school bypass the law by collecting 13500/- as an additional fee ?
16. Did the PTA approve the one time 13500/- hike in school fees ?
17. Did the PTA approve the permanent recurring 13500/- hike in school fees ?
18. The fees of 13500/- should be refunded if not legitimate.
19. PTA has approved the fee hike of 19500/- for academic year 2020-21?
20. What is the fee hike for the current year? Please give the breakup we understand 15% = 12000 is due as per the law in point 4. What is the additional 7500 for ?
21. Is there any relief being given for Covid pandemic in academic year 2020-21?
22. What will be the fees for academic year 2021-22 ?
23. Please list the academic year for next fee increase ?