Show Support for Landeavor & Venture Communities
Landeavor, LLC has contracted with Venture Communities to develop a new town home neighborhood within Pod 18 at Great Sky. The plan calls for 92 for-sale units (fewer than the 220 allowed) located just off the roundabout across from the amenity center. Venture Communities has been building homes in Atlanta since 1989 and was recognized by J.D. Power earning the award for “Highest Ranking in Customer Satisfaction with New Home Builders in Atlanta” in 2002 and 2003. The neighborhood plan, as currently designed, will protect the shoreline along Hickory Creek Reservoir and contains a small, blue-line creek which traverses along the steep terrain within the plan. Pricing and floor plans are still underdevelopment but expected to be released to the public beginning in the low $300,000. All residences will have no-maintenance lawn care and be part of a separate sub-association within the overall masterplan.
By signing, you are showing your support for Landeavor, Venture Communities and development of the town home neighborhood. Thank you for your support, Landeavor, LLC