Grant Valkaria Proposed DMMA area

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to file a formal complaint against Permit Application SAJ-2016-00684 (SP-AWP)
We oppose the above referenced project based on the potential negative impacts to the wetlands that form part of the proposed dredge dump site. FIND has not presented a satisfactory evaluation of other potential dump sites/methods which indicates that all other options have been exhausted, and the proposed project is the only viable alternative. FIND has acknowledged that some muck is expected to be pumped into the dump site (and that Brevard county may someday pump pure muck into it). The muck has the potential to contain unwanted constituents (metals, nutrients, hydrocarbons, pesticides/herbicides, just to name a few) which could leach or flow into the aquifer and/or back into the River as overland effluent. This site is on a permeable sand-ridge that may negatively impact the local aquifer quality; FIND has not presented sufficient pre-project test data, nor a groundwater/effluent monitoring plan to prevent this, nor a mitigation plan in the event of contaminant detection in their monitoring wells network.
Grant Valkaria Residents who share concerns over the proposed dredge site, along with your signature on the petition, it is imperative that you share your concerns with the US Army Corp of Engineers, the permitting agency. Please contact :
Andrew Phillips
400 High Point Drive, Suite 600
Cocoa, Fl 32926
call 321-504-3771 ext 14