Grandmothers and Families Against Drunk Drivers

I am a Grandmother proud of her Grandchildren, and when one of them is hurting; I am hurting too. A drunk driver hit my eldest Grandson Yesterday; proceeded to drag him 60 feet down the road; and then left him; and drove off. Please sign this petition to forward to the Governor of Texas, to stiffen the penalties; for Drunk Driving; and to suspend Driver's License immediately for such irresponsible action. This kind of tragedy has gone on too long, and often the same offense reoccurs several times before the license is revoked permanently. This is absurd. How many people must die and be maimed before we awake to this tragedy. PLEASE I beg you as a Grandmother, with a family that is hurting badly as they watch this young man in the ICU suffering so badly for something he was NOT at fault over. He was wearing a helmet thank God--the Police stated if he had NOT been wearing his helmet he would be dead. Again PLEASE sign this Petition and forward it to others to do the same. This must be presented to the Governor of Texas; to help inspire him to act immediately on Legislation to stop the slaughter of innocents, and the awful suffering of untold numbers; due to Drunk Driving. Thank You very much. Ruthann Emerson Lange Wabasha MN