Josh Thomas 0

Grade Reevaluation for Math 141

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Good evening fellow classmates this is Josh Thomas of your class Math 141 with Instructor Mr. Carl Libis

The soul purpose of this petition is to show the Dean that you [the student] received a grade on a quiz, participation that you did not deserve. This will also show the Dean that this is a problem among all the students.

The goal is to have either some or all of your course work RE-EVALUATED by another [not Carl Libis] qualified instructor. This is to insure you had an equal opportunity to receive a pass grade or higher; to ensure all points were not over looked. (understand that if re-evaluated you could potentially receive a lower grade for mistakes not caught by Mr. Libis)

**this petition is not to insult or humiliate the instructor and is meant to show a problem In the course**

if you felt like the course Math 141 7982 "instructed" by Mr. Carl Libis did not meet your exceptions for the class listed in the syllabus at UMUC because of the following:

1. graded unfairly

2. graded upon a personal bias

3. did not respond to your question at all, or not within 24hr, or answered your question vaguely. Which resulted in you being confused and leading to more questions. [all of the above]

4. did not communicate professionally

5. Instructor did not provide constructive feedback

6. over all failed his duties to the students in instructing Math 141 (Calculus II)

Please sign the petition to ensure your voice is heard and you are provided with the equal opportunity that you paid for.

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