Gov. Herbert sign HB76 "Constitutional Carry" into Law.

We the people and citizens of the State of Utah recognizing the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land urge the Governor of our state, Gary Herbert, to sign H.B. 76 Concealed Weapon Carry Amendments into law.
The Governors website claims that as a state we should hold the line against unconstitutional federal erosion of state authority. He has said it is Utah's time to lead. Signing this legislation into law will demonstrate this leadership.
House Bill 76, sponsored by Representative Mathis, reduces the need to obtain government permission in order to exercise a fundamental right. Currently, those wishing to conceal a weapon must obtain a permit from the state. This bill allows individuals to carry a non-chambered concealed firearm without a permit. The citizen may carry a loaded magazine in the weapon. To conceal carry a loaded gun would still require a permit.
Both the U.S. and Utah Constitutions aim to safeguard the individual right to keep and bear arms, and this bill moves Utah one small step in the right direction towards better safeguarding of that right. The ability of citizens to protect themselves should not be contingent upon permission from the state. HB76 enables law-abiding citizens of Utah who wish to carry concealed an unloaded firearm to do so free of unnecessary restriction and paperwork.
This law should not be necessary but it is clear the elected federal officials have ignored the mandates of the Constitution and have chosen to not protect the rights of the citizens. Instead they see fit to dictate to the states the conditions by which the rights of our very humanity is to be employed. This legislation reaffirms the foundations of freedom as defined by the second amendment and the tenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States and we need Governor Hebert’s signature to make this law.