Goosepond Island P-2 Rezoning Opposition
An application has been filed with the Scottsboro Planning Commission seeking a rezoning of property located at Goosepond Island Drive and North Shore Drive. This property adjoins or is in close proximity to your property. This property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential District) and R-5 (Group Housing Residential District) and the request is to rezone the property to P-2 (Planned Neighborhood District). Southern Summit Group, Inc. is the applicant.
As property owners in this area, the undersigned do herby request that the pending application mentioned herein be denied by the Scottsboro Planning Commission and Scottsboro City Council members on the following grounds:
- Although we would prefer everything to be zoned as R-1 (similar to our current properties), the current zoning has been this way for the past 15+ years since we all bought our properties. Rezoning to P-2 jeopardizes the property value and welfare of our community.
- P-2 zoning allows for group-living, commercial business, and development which would lead to significantly more traffic. This endangers the safety and well-being of the community and wildlife, especially if the development plans remain as-is with one way in and out of the neighborhood on Goosepond Island Drive
- Leaving the zoning as R-1 and R-5 as it currently is will still allow Southern Summit Group, Inc. to proceed with the initial phases of their development plan
Please sign and add to the Comments your Lot # and Subdivision Name. Thank you!