Gmail users need to triple delete each email
Jonathan Godney 0

Gmail users need to triple delete each email

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Sign our petition to show your support for removing the Gmail "All Mail" folder by clicking "SIGN PETITION" now.

To enable an archive folder that collects "All Mail" even if the email has ALSO been deleted from the "Trash" means that all gmail users need to triple delete each email.

1, Delete the email from the inbox, 2, Delete the email from trash, 3, Delete the email from "All Mail".

To have a valid "Archive" of mail, email needs to be to a different service provider to protect it from a gmail service failure.

A Better solution would be: To name the "All Mail" folder "Archived Mail" and auto delete mail after a period determined by each user. Options should be "Do not Archive", "Destroy after 1 month", "Destroy after 3 Months", "Destroy after 6 Months", "Destroy after 1 Year", "Destroy after 3 years" and "Destroy after 5 years".

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