Will Ap 0


52 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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52 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Nothing in George W. Bush\'s abominable tenure as president of the United States will become him at all except the leaving of it. GoodRiddanceBush hopes to promote a worldwide, grassroots movement of individuals who will throw GoodRiddanceBush parties all over the planet on Inauguration Day, Tuesday 20 January 2009, to celebrate the final throes of the most reprehensible American administration in world history. We want to have so many parties everywhere that worldwide media will have to take note of the phenomenon, and in so doing demonstrate that the majority of the human race detests Bush, his administration, and its policies. We also hope to document worldwide disapproval with the Bush-Cheney regime by having participants deposit video, audio, and written accounts of their parties, and of the sentiments of the attendees. We feel that it is very important to keep this record, so that future attempts to \"revise history\" can be refuted. It would be a terrible dishonor for the millions who suffered and died during the eight-year Bush-Cheney reign of tyrannical recklessness if future right-wing pseudo-historians conspire to rehabilitate the reputations of Bush and Cheney. Neither of them must ever come to be regarded as \"elder statesmen\"; they must forever bear the shame they so thoroughly deserve. We believe that a permanent record of universal joy at seeing the backsides of Bush and Cheney will be an example to all world leaders, and especially to future American presidents, to remind them that power is fleeting, but shame is forever. I PLEDGE: 1. To hold a GoodRiddanceBush party on Tuesday 20 January 2009, from at least 7 to 9 pm my local time, and to make sure that everyone I invite knows that I\'m throwing it to celebrate a joyous, Bush-free future! 2. to video, if I can, some of the fun and some of the reasons I and my partymates are thankful that Bush is finally gone, and post the videos at the GoodRiddanceBush YouTube group (link provided at; 3. to post, if I can, video, audio, or written commentaries about the GoodRiddanceBush celebrations to my personal blog, my podcast site, my social networking pages, and any other sites on the web to which I may have access; 4. to contact, if I like, at least five friends, tell them why I think this is a great idea, and ask them to contact five of their friends in order to spread the news; 5. to engage in the continuing discussion on the GoodRiddanceBush Yahoo! Group (link provided at; 6. to keep up with announcements, if I like, by subscribing to the RSS feed of our official blog, the GoodRiddanceBushBlog (link provided at; 7. to devise, if I can, my own fun and attention-getting ways to promote my party and the whole GoodRiddanceBush project in the old media and across the internet; 8. to keep the whole movement informed, if I like, of any great ideas I may have to spread the GoodRiddanceBush parties around the globe at the GoodRiddanceBush Yahoo! Group and the GoodRiddanceBush YouTube group (links provided at


GoodRiddanceBush is a world-wide grassroots movement to create a permanent record of humanity\'s condemnation of George W. Bush through massive partying! It\'s home is on the web, here: http://www.GoodRiddanceBush.Com


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