Paris - Do The Time for Your Crime

Sick and tired of celebrities getting a slap on the wrist Paris violated the law not once, not twice, but three times -- once when she chose to drive drunk and twice when she chose to drive and operate a vehicle in direct violation of her probation. It\'s about time Paris grew up and realized that she is not above the law. Judge Mintz saw through her weak \"It\'s not my fault\" defense (and lies) and has done the right thing -- he\'s sentenced her to jail time. While she may not have killed or injured anyone (yet), its clear that Paris will not change her behavior until it is made clear to her that there are very real and severe consequences for reckless behavior. Personally I think 45 days isn\'t enough for a convicted drunk driver who willfully chose (not once but twice) to violate the terms of her previous \"slap on the wrist\" sentence. Sign the petition showing your support for Judge Mintz and his decision on Paris Hilton\'s sentencing.