GLY 102 against teaching methods
We the students of GLY 102 are collectively requesting that the course material be reviewed and scrutinized. The course is being taught at a higher level than is required for a 100 level class and requires advanced knowledge of math and geology that many of the students do not possess.
We ask that if the method of teaching is not remedied, at least allow the exams to be graded on a stronger curve than originally planned, as there are many students who do not feel prepared, despite having exhausted their best efforts to be so. We also request that if a majority of students continue to have difficulty with the homework's, that they then be shortened to an acceptable length.
We request that the curriculum and syllabus be compared to the syllabus of a prior professor and determine if the difficulty of the current course seems warranted. We believe that these desires are reasonable and not unwarranted as a majority of the class is of this mindset.