Luke Wolton 0

Gloucestershire forever, Bristol never!

115 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Luke Wolton 0 Comments
115 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Gloucestershire County Cricket Club have recently started a survey to ask it's members about a possible name change. They are proposing dropping Gloucestershire from then name of the T20 squad to a Bristol name!

This cannot be allowed to happen. If it did I can only believe that in time they would also do the same with the one day team as well.

This club is a club for a whole county and not just one city. It has been and should always remain Gloucestershire.

If the name was to change it would only be time before the impact was felt on the Cheltenham Cricket Festival. Fans of Gloucestershire will not turn up to watch a team they have no association with.

Please join me in opposing this change and showing Gloucestershire loves it cricket and we are not willing to let Bristol take it from us!

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