Inmate Family's & Supporters Demand Investigation of MCI/Global Tel Link
We the undersigned are demanding an investigation of Global Tel Link, and their practices. They are taking money's from inmates families and then blocking their calls with no notice. Global Tel is now forcing inmates families to prepay for phone cards. They have no means of reimbursing family members who pay money and are blocked. They have no means of reimbursing family members who may not use the money they prepay. The prepayment is money in GTL's pockets along with the exclusive contracts they have with throughout the United States. We are also demanding that the Prison Systems dealing with Global Tel Link, cease doing business with them.
They are in exclusive contracts with Prisons throughout the United States to provide phone service between inmates and their families. Even when phone companies allow collect calls GTL is charging the inmates families upfront. Inmates who make collect calls have no option but to use Global Tel Link here in California. Their tactics put an unfair burden on families whose only contact may be through phone calls. Global Tel Link is well aware of this and takes advantage of inmate families, in order to make a profit. Although we have complained in the past, Global Tel Link continues to receive contracts from States with no repercussion. Global Tel Link’s business practices have deteriorated even more since, merging with MCI, a failed Telecommunications Company.
In the past Global Tel Link has:
1. Blocked phone calls from certain phone numbers, so that consumers are forced to set up a prepaid account.
2. Overcharged for accounts and did not refund monies to customers.
3. Cut inmate calls short, but did not credit the customers account.
4. Had no live person to talk to when customers have complaints.
5. Provided no means for customers to file complaints.
6. Does not have one specific location in which customers can complain to an Administrator.
7. Required customers to set up an account, even when their provider (AT&T, Verizon, Comcast), allows collect calls.
Thereby adding an unnecessary financial burden on customers.
Global Tel Link, has a monopoly on the prison phone market, and is making millions of dollars in contracts, customer accounts, and prepaid fees. We are asking the FCC, FTC, Consumer Affairs offices, and our State and Federal Representatives to investigate Global Tel Link, on our behalf. We are consumers, taxpayers, voters, and citizens who do not deserve this treatment.
Why have the states given exclusive contracts to Global Tel Link? We have a right to know why a Sweetheart deal was made with MCI/Global Tel Link. Why was MCI, allowed to merge with Global Tel Link? Why is it that customer complaints against Global Tel Link are ignored? Why was Global Tel Link recently given a contract to charge inmates families for collect phone calls to cell phones?
We demand an answer to these questions, an investigation of Global Tel Link, and any other phone company dealing with Collect Phone Calls between inmates & their families.