Global Week Off To Allow Mother Earth to Heal Herself

The corona virus has been looked at as a tragic thing. Yes it is but from a higher perspective, as a result of the quarantine, mother earth seems to be healing herself and that is the silver lining found in this situation. By the world taking a "time out" she s able to heal herself and cleanse what we have done. Ozone is becoming better, the smog in Los Angeles is diminishing. Humanity is allowed to take a break from the destructive natures we have been programmed with and understanding the importance and significance of the common luxuries we take for granted. Now having this birds eye view of the negative effect our behaviors have, we should instate a global holiday of 1 week per year to be "OFF" no cars, no pollution, nothing that would cause mother earth harm to be done. Allowing her time to do her natural process of cleansing herself! Family's get to spend more time together, humanity is brought together, no further pollution be created. The break could also be used for those to volunteer to do environmental work during that time to further assist mother earth and aid in her needed healing, which in turn, helps us to heal! It's a win-win for everyone involved! This has been a long time coming and we can utilize something like the corona virus as a lesson learned! If we really want to heal mother earth...LET'S GIVE HER A BREAK!