For the Shivambhu Message and Mission
This Petition is bringing the education, awareness and research of Urine Therapy to humanity.
We are submitting a written request for your consideration in acknowledging Urine Therapy as a self healing modality worthy of exploring for healthcare.
We will be presenting this petition to Academies, Governments and wholistic Centers.
Urine Therapy also called Shivambhu, is a 5000-year-old yoga and Ayurvedic practice of using one’s Urine, which (medically or chemically) is the use of ultra filtered golden blood plasma water applied topically or taken internally to restore one’s health.
With over 30 million people worldwide in 50 countries currently practicing Auto-Urine Therapy (AUT), many personal success stories, documentation and research has been and continues to be recorded .
The intention of this petition is for directors and leaders of the medical, political, educational and spiritual associations to take note.
With financial, mental and emotional costs of well-being at an all time high, providing the option and understanding of a proven, free self-healing method, like Shivambhu, also called UT will not only save lives but add much needed money back into our hands.
Research, testimonials, education and documentation are available upon request.
We are collecting signatures from Urine Therapy advocates, enthusiasts and educators to support this petition.
Your decision will greatly impact the health and wellbeing of billions across earth.
Thank you for reading and sharing this very important and timely message as well as responding with your decision as soon as possible.
Most sincerely,
Brother Sage, Profs.Vijay K Gupta and Indira Bhatt Gupta, Christopher Macor, Doc Mike Witort, Matthew Sena and Miklane Janner. Free membership in the Shivambhu Hut, link found here:
Accepting generous donations here toward the work of the Shivambu international mission.
Send your feedback, we intend to move this forward as soon as possible and create a worldwide understanding and use of Urine Therapy right away.
Brother Sage, Co-Founder/Dir. of Communications, best selling author on UT, developer of the Water Family Directory :
Shivambhu, a 501(c)3 Faith based organization