More facilities for GLENMORE PARK

More Facilities for our Youth Glenmore Park Action Group proposes that it is time extra facilities are made available in Glenmore Park to support the growing population. A library would be beneficial for residents of Glenmore Park while also serving residents of Mulgoa,Wallacia & Luddenham. Current planning advice is that within the next two years Glenmore Park will have 24,000 residents. Previously the South Penrith library served the residents of Glenmore Park. However,the increasing population of Glenmore Park no longer makes that a viable option. We need facilities that residents can benefit from and take ownership of which will have the dual benefit of providing a valuable service and generating pride in our estate. It is my understanding that funds are available under Section 94 for infrastructure such as a new library, tennis/squash or basketball courts. Our petition is asking for additional resources for Glenmore Park to add to the current plans of the new Blue Hills family precinct which will benefit our younger families; this will be costing approximately $6.3 million. Residents would not be sold short (Quote From Mayor P Sheehey) if a library is built near the Town Centre of Glenmore Park. The library would benefit our youth providing them an educational outlet encouraging them to pursue activities other than walking about out on the streets causing nuisance. As our estate continues to grow GPAG would also like to see additional facilities such as a gymnasium/sports centre and a Public swimming pool in the plans for Glenmore Park. I note as a matter of interest that in previous plans a public swimming pool was suggested, which was never built. Glenmore Park is becoming a town with in itself and facilities are needed now to benefit our growing population. The emphasis needs to be on our youth and elderly as these are the groups in our community most in need of resources. There is substantial evidence of the problems that occur when our youth do not have facilities to occupy their spare time, while our elderly residents deserve facilities close to home. Blessings Mary Cook GPAG Director