Petition to allow privacy glasses to be retained on imported cars & also to change the tint laws in Malaysia.
This Petition is created because changes must be made to the current rules set by the JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya) regarding to the tinting laws on the front side/ rear side/ rear windows & to allow the privacy glass (AS3 rated glass.) on most imported cars to be retained in Malaysia. Currently, the JPJ laws state that the VLT (Visible Light Transmission.) of the windows shouldn\'t be less 70% for the front windscreen/ front side & should not be less than 50% for the rear/ rear side windows. ____________________________________________ The current laws; Front windscreen= 70% VLT minimum. Front side windows + Rear window + rear side windows= 50% VLT minimum. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ The changes that owners would want; Front windscreen (Whole glass)= 70% VLT minimum. Front side windows= 50% VLT minimum. Rear window + rear side windows (Factory-fitted Privacy Glass)= 18.5% VLT minimum. Rear window + rear side windows (With aftermarket tint films)= 25% VLT minimum. ____________________________________________ Reason #1: With the current laws that are in place, it is impossible for owners to keep their factory fitted privacy glasses. As owners, like ourselves, changing the privacy glasses to the clear type will be impossible, as most cars these days come with antennas printed in the glass & in some cases, it is impossible to find or source out replacement rear glasses for some imports. Reason #2: Replacing the glass can be very costly for some owners, and also at the risk of getting the glass installed incorrectly, creating problems for owners in the long run. Reason #3: These privacy glasses are very helpful to block out harmful UV rays & also for security, hence the name privacy glass. Reason #4: Cars equipped with factory fitted privacy glasses are actually safe to use at night, unlike what some individuals claim it as unsafe. Variants of tint films that are unsafe, are commonly known as limousine tints & tinted all round,hence making it harder to see at night. The VLT rating of these limousine tints are a lot darker than those of the factory fitted privacy glasses or legal aftermarket tints. Reason #5: Other countries are already allowing cars with factory-fitted privacy glasses & approved certain types of dark tint films to be sold in shops legally for quite a number of years. ____________________________________________ Please feel free to add in a comment, but please keep it mature, civilized & on the topic as I would like to make it presentable & easier to organize.