No Ifs No Buts- Give up the Bonus, RBS

In February the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which received £20 billion of taxpayers' money, tried to £1b of it out in bonuses to bankers and traders. We believed this was morally and economically outrageous and had to be stopped. Thanks to 30,000 people signing this petition, RBS reduced the payout from £1b to £175m. Now RBS reportedly wants to pay a total of £1.5bn in bonuses to investment banking staff, and the board has threatened to quit if the government blocks the move. As the majority shareholder in RBS(the UK taxpayer) we believe the Government should make it clear to the board that they must put national interest ahead of personal interest and give up the bonus. If not, the RBS board should resign. N.B. Once you sign the petition your name will appear on the petition. You do not need to make a donation to iPetitions.