Give SI CHS Cheerleaders Back CSI

There are nearly two hundred Catholic High School cheerleaders on Staten Island and most of us hold the CSI CYO competition in very high regard. When you ask a cheerleader what she is most excited for this cheer season, I can almost guarantee she will answer, "Competing at CSI." We, who have worked so hard all year to be ready for CSI, ask you to sign this petition to convince our sports directors to let us compete at CSI. Every single girl has worked their butts off for months to go to this competition and to prove themselves to the other teams and the whole island. For most cheerleaders, CSI and Fordham are the peak of the cheer season, and to take that away from them is completely unfair. Staten Island cheerleaders have been attending for years, and to rip away that tradition is utterly wrong. Cheerleading is finally being seen as a competitive sport with hardworking athletes, so turning around and making it an exhibition is completely backwards. Please sign this petition to help give us a chance to be rewarded for all the blood, sweat, and tears we've put into our routine. Thank you. -Catholic High School cheerleaders across the island