Warwick Bubble Tea Society to Call an EGM to Give Schlong and Family the Respect They Deserve
According to 5.4 of Warwick Bubble Tea Society's constitution, "The Executive shall call further meetings either at its own initiative or at the request of 10% of the membership or the request of the Vice President for Societies.". If this petition reaches at least enough signatures to match 10% of the Society's membership, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) must be called before the end of this term.
This is why you should sign this petition...
If an EGM is called, Maximilian Alexander Pike Vice President for Societies will propose a motion to formalise in the constitution the existence of Schlong and Family as official mascots of the Society. At this EGM, if over 50% of 16 members vote in favour of the forementioned motion, the Executive Committee must present a constitution change to the Warwick SU Societies Forum for ratification in line with its resolves.
If you sign this petition, you strongly believe that the Warwick Bubble Tea Society Exec should arrange an EGM to take place before the end of week 8 (week commencing 10th June 2024).
Sign this petition and give Schlong and his family the respect they deserve!