Give Parents in California the Leave They Deserve!
The purpose of this petition is to extend the time off with pay to both mothers and fathers while bonding with their baby. In extending the time off, it will create lasting bonds with their newborn baby.
Currently mothers in the state of California get 8 weeks paid or 12 weeks unpaid. Fathers in the state of California can get up to 12 weeks, 8 of which get paid.
If parental leave does not get extended, mothers, fathers, and babies will be impacted. Survey results from both globally and locally, primarily female physicians, show that almost 50% want at least 6 months of paid leave.
83.3% of mothers want to breastfeed. Breastfeeding requires a stronger bond. Without a longer maternity leave, the mother will not be able to establish a strong enough bond to do so.
We would like to extend parental leave in California to 6 months of fully paid leave for both mothers and fathers. With your help in signing this petition we could try to make that happen.