Give Forsyth County Students Some Normalcy

**Update**: on Friday 8/13, a noisy minority of parents organized an email campaign demanding FCS implement restrictions more severe than those that were in place at the peak of the pandemic last year, including a mask mandate. Please sign and share this petition!
**Update** As of this week FCS have now extended these protocols to Middle and High schools. These steps to make schools INACCESSIBLE TO PARENTS is based on a very very small percentage of the positive cases and 0 deaths in the entire county! More restrictions are coming!
On Tuesday, August 3rd, Forsyth County Schools sent out an update implementing restrictions to all Forsyth County elementary schools as follows:
-Avoid large group settings, if possible, particularly in the cafeteria and at recess
-Limit student movement in the building
-Hold virtual curriculum nights, staff meetings, and PTA/O events
-No visitors or field trips
-Assigned seating in classrooms and buses
-No student attendance incentives and/or awards
This is likely in response to a petition requesting our county leaders to implement severe restrictions on all students and families. We are asking Dr. Bearden and the School Board Education to make decisions based on real time data and allow our children and families to have a normal experience. It’s time.
Last year, Forsyth County Schools was a shining example to the State and country proving over-reacting isn't effective or best for our children. Many of our Forsyth students fell behind academically and needed to attend Saturday classes and summer school just to pass the school year because of these Covid protocols. Enough.
Risk of infection among children remains extremely low and Americans are being vaccinated at a rate of over 600k daily. We ask that facts and data be our guide, not fear or hysteria.
What makes Forsyth County unique, special and highly desirable is the level of parent/family engagement FCS fosters. It is one of our core strengths and it creates a positive student outcome. We ask from our school leadership the following:
-Keep schools open and offer virtual for concerned families
-Keep masks optional for students and FCS staff
-Hold in person curriculum night
-Allow our students to participate on field trips
-Allow parents/family members to resume in person volunteering
-Give students and families a chance to celebrate achievements with in person award ceremonies
Thank you for your consideration and opportunity to voice our concerns!
Please share this petition!
This petition is organized by a group of parents led by Theresa S
**We are not asking for monetary donations or saving your contact information for any mailing lists.**