Give FLuffeeTalks's Honors Back
Due to the channel 'FLuffeeTalks' being deemed inappropriate by the YouTube administration, several honors which allow FLuffee to have the motivation to keep making videos have been removed. FLuffee will no longer appear on the front page or in the YouTube charts and because of this will not reach more people to add to his already huge and supportive fan base. This system is new, but it seems to be only applied to FLuffee, this is outrageous. As YouTube have decided to stop certain users getting to certain content, they are effectively filtering what people can and cannot see. This is understandable when it comes to protecting children and the like but there is already a system for that. Instead of removing someone's rewards or honors the videos should simply be marked 18+ then the user has the choice to view them KNOWING they contain inappropriate content. Because of FLuffee's status as a pretty big YouTube star this came as a shock to me and probably most of the people who found out if not all of them. This petition is in favour of restoring FLuffee's honors and an official apology being made by YouTube for ignoring a great talent and effectively silencing him from reaching out to new potential fans.