They fought for your freedom, now help fight for them!

Veterans Life Changing Services (VLC) is a Transitional Housing Program of Each One Reach One Child 501(c)(3) Corporation. It is specifically designed to assist Northwest Indiana and Illinois service men and women (veterans) in their transition back into civilian life. It offers temporary housing for homeless veterans, clinical rehab, vocational rehab, and so much more. I found out from one of the workers there that is in my OIF/OEF PTSD therapy group that they were recently denied a government grant desperately needed for funding this great organization. They will need to raise a minimum of $200,000 just to keep their doors open. Donations, no matter how big or small would be greatly appreciated and go along way. However, all I am asking is for your signature. With enough support we can take this to State Representative Pete Visclosky, who is a HUGE supporter of veterans, and veteran's rights. A simple signature is all it will take for you to give a little back to those who gave so much for you, and for America. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. If you wish to also make a donation the web address is: www.veteranslifechangingservices.com (Link below also) Thank you, Nicholas J. Edelen (USMC)
Email: Nickj0414@aol.com
Due to all your support, as well as the physical petitions I placed up, even with the limited number of signatures, Indiana Representative Pete Visclosyky sent me a personal letter today thanking myself for the initiative and describing his personal interest in the matter. He met with reps. from the organization, the VA, as well and the Catholic Diocese in the same town to see what kind of help they could all pull together. It turns out they weren't awarded the grant money from the VA because they lost the competition for it, However Mr. Visclosky assured me he would continue personal matters to ensure this organization stays afloat and better it's services...Thank you all again for your support, and continued support..Please continue to spread the word! I will attach the letter I received from the Rep.