DO YOU WANT YOUR MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL JOBS BACK?????????? "Steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world!" George Washington
The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers of trade and investment between the USA, Canada and Mexico. The implementation of NAFTA on January 1, 1994, brought the immediate elimination of tariffs on more than one half of US imports from Mexico and more than one third of US exports to Mexico. Within 10 years of the implementation of the agreement, all US-Mexico tariffs would be eliminated except for some US agricultural exports to Mexico that were to be phased out in 15 years. Most US-Canada trade was already duty free. NAFTA also seeks to eliminate non-tariff trade barriers.
Here is what it has accomplished:
Joseph Moriarity: Immigration problem? Blame NAFTA
Contrary to promises, it forced many Mexicans to leave in search of a living.
Last update: April 30, 2010 - 5:57 PM
■ Arizonians became so fed up with the flood of Mexican immigrants living illegally in their state that they passed a tough new law making it a state crime for illegals to be in Arizona and requiring those suspected of being violators to show proof of legal status. This desperate, and likely illegal, effort will be for naught because it does not address an obvious question that's seldom asked: Why are so many willing to risk everything, including their very lives, to live a desperate and clandestine existence in Arizona and other U.S. states? The answer is simple: because they see no alternative.
It's time to face the truth. We, the United States, brought this calamitous situation on Mexicans and on ourselves when Congress passed the NAFTA treaty in 1993. NAFTA was sold as a magic formula that would improve the American economy while at the same time reducing poverty in Mexico. At the NAFTA signing, then President Bill Clinton said this: "Pass NAFTA, and we will have jobs for Mexicans in Mexico. Defeat NAFTA, and there will be a tremendous flow of Mexicans to the United States." In practice, NAFTA accomplished exactly the opposite.
U.S. media have paid virtually no attention to NAFTA's disastrous and widespread effects in Mexico. Let's set the record straight. By permitting heavily subsidized U.S. corn and other agri-business products to compete with small Mexican farmers, NAFTA literally drove more than 2 million Mexican farmers and their families off the land. Those former farmers, who previously made an adequate living, are among the thousands who cross our border simply to try to make a living and feed themselves and their families. Of those who remained, most live in desperate poverty. ■
Because of NAFTA, corporations are now exploiting the cheap labor, minimal taxes, and low overhead in Mexico. At the same time, China and other Asian countries are eroding the promised surge in American exports to Mexico. Ten years ago, Mexico bought almost 80 percent of its imports from the United States. Last year, that figure dropped to just less than 50 percent. “There’s a fourth uninvited guest at the Nafta party,” Dr. Dussel said, alluding to China.
Here are just some of the US Corporations who have sent companies to Mexico:
Cummins Inc
Ford Motors
Polaris Industries
Printronix, Inc
Coca Cola
General Motors
General Electric
Don't you find it that odd that we are giving our jobs away to Mexico AND because of the NAFTA rate break (more than 1/2 on imports from Mexico) the corporations are making beaucoup bucks!!!!! They're getting it both ways.
“Too many people have lost their jobs. Too many jobs have been sent overseas. Enough is enough. Whirlpool’s management can’t take our money, shut down our factories and lay off our workers. It’s not acceptable—and together we’re going to deliver a loud and clear message to Whirlpool: Keep It Made in America and Save Our Jobs,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement.
THE SOLUTION - We have to rapidly do three things to straighten out our country: 1) Organize a selective boycott of those companies that have moved their factories out of the country. 2) Reinstate our normal tariffs with all countries, and 3) Pass legislation that makes it more attractive (lower taxes) for the corporations to bring their factories back home.
If we don't right this negative, economic trend, it will be akin to living in a termite infested house -that is just going to fall in on itself.