Get George Soros Tried At Nuremburg or Elsewhere

To: The United Nations and International Crime Court at The Hague, The Netherlands
From: The Undersigned
We, the undersigned, petition the United Nations (UN) and International Criminal Court (ICC) to arrest and put on trial George Soros (ne Gyorgy Schwartz, b. August 12, 1930). Mr. Soros, born in Budapest, Hungary; worked as a kapo with his native country's government and its then-ally Nazi Germany to unlawfully and immorally commit theft of property against the Hungarian Jewish Community. Well past bar-mitzvah and young-adult age (which was then and still is 12-13 years of age), Soros knew that theft of property and accomplice thereto were and are crimes; but Soros committed these crimes, anyway.
Soros' illegal, immoral, and treasonous acts-- and "treasonous" since Soros committed them against his own people, the Jews of Budapest and the rest of Hungary-- are thus why we implore the UN and ICC that he be arrested and tried as the kapo as whom he is long overdue to be tried. We request that the trial be fair and swift, nonetheless with the goal of bringing delayed justice to the Hungarian and now-formerly-Hungarian Jewish community, and against Soros.