Get Zachery Mccrackin Deleted Off Facebook For Life

Zachery Mccrackin is an internet menus, he harasses everyone on his friends list, he threatens people, HACKS people, and should be banned from social networking sites. I first encountered Zachery when I stupidly applied to his site, reading on his wall about how he was telling people to die of cancer and sexually harassing them I quickly messaged him saying I revoke my application. Thus he threatened me, saying he was going to use my pictures on his site anyway. Now since I first started site modeling in September 2011, he has been not only harassing me. But several other people in the site modeling world. He needs to be stopped before he causes someone to take their life. He sexual harasses people, he hacks accounts, he tells people to die of cancer. He goes by several other names. Nikki Nyan, Kandii Barr, Bambi Babyfayce, Teenaage Dreaam(Site modeling Agency), Inkravers(Site modeling agency), Zachery Zombie, Zachery Mccrackin, Zachery Copeland, and currently Kitty Fawk'dYou SoHard. Here are some of his accounts, people listen to me. PLEASE, report them! http://www.facebook.com/CryMyselfToSleep http://www.facebook.com/NikkiLikesToNyan http://www.facebook.com/Lettey.Loves.You Please sign this petition, share it with your friends and maybe with some luck he'll get deleted.