Ashley Pinkerman 0

Get With Open Arms Proj. On Ellen

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hello my name is Ashley Pinkerman,

I was trying to start a non-profit organization for the voices of ones who want a voice. I want to help support the kids who feel like there's no hope or just don't fit in. I want to make a difference in society, I want to change the way this generation is but i need a push. I know how i want to do so, and i have the people that i need to help along the way but i don't have much money to do much. I want to help the LGBTQ youths and adults know that it may be hard now, but it definitely gets better, find others like them and seek help and not feel afraid to be who they are. The goal i want to achieve from this small organization is to help the ones who feel there is no hope. To help the ones who feel if they stick up for themselves they'll be judged. I want to have support, and be there to support the ones that need it. Because I know how it feels to not have support and how lonely it is to be different than everyone. I want to help engage into people's lives and be the main reason most kids are alive today. I want to make an impact on society. I want to help the ones with mental illnesses to come to us when they feel embarrassed to go get actual help. i want kids nowadays, that don't have understanding parents know that they aren't alone. To know that this is only temporary and that they are loved. I don't want kids to be like i was. I want to make a difference and change the way young youths and adults are viewed as today because of their sexual orientation and mental illnesses. I want to be there for the ones who don't have anyone there. I want to change society and to stop the shame on teenagers, adolescents and even adults now. I may be young but i want to make a difference.

also, please donate (optional but it'll make a huge difference)

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