This is a movement to get SUJUMAKE13ELIEVE off S/he is a troll/cyberbully who leaves nasty comments on articles, deletes comments pointing her out as one, and passes off as other more regular and established users on allkpop. Some of you may in fact have been one of the victims of her bullying, with copy accounts made of your’s and horrible things written in your name.
Cyberbullying - all sorts and to all extents - is wrong and we must join forces to get rid of her. For this to be as successful as possible, we need many people to support our cause. We like being on not only because of the easy-to-read and accessible kpop news, but also due to the community that the comment section offers. I’m sure we have all experienced the nice friendly atmosphere that was once on the site, and we would very much prefer it if we could celebrate the successes of our idols and favourite celebrities instead of having to deal with negative words which get to top-rated because this user is able to generate multiple accounts to like her own comments.
Members of this petition want to get SUJUMAKE13ELIEVE off allkpop, and never have to deal with her or her comments (whether published by her account or by the fake ones she has created) ever again. We want to stop the negativity encouraged by this user, and in the long run do our part to stop cyberbullying. We beseech the owners of to block her/his IP address or at least in some way do their part in stopping this.
Our goal was 15 (but due to the great support we've garnered, the number's going up so we can impress those folks working for allkpop) - it's now 50, but we're looking to surpass this number. This is not about sales or popularity, it's about what's ETHICAL.
As we hope to be taken seriously by the owners of allkpop we need as many real names as possible. I promise that none of the contact information or real names signed on the petition will be used for any purpose other than for this petition. If you do sign this petition with your real name, please also include your username in the ‘comment’ section of the petition (if applicable).