The uniform and dress code to be specific.Why do we need to tuck in our shirts or wear collared shirts or pants with belt?And one thing they say that we have certain colors because of gang colors but every color is a gang color.Right?!Then why wear CEARTAIN colors and not just all colors, any colors.And about them jeans, what's so bad about jeans.Its like being racist to a fabric.Now is that right?No, not really.So why can't we wear jeans, any color. You know the only way kids and teens express themselves today are our clothes, so when we spend most of our life in school then why cant we at least express ourselves at school.Like I said before school kills imagination!So lets rebuild it with our minds(clothes)!Now why can teachers wear whatever they want but we have a dress code and uniform?Have you ever thought about that?And when a teacher chews gum and they yell at us for chewing gum!They may just say "because im older.".Which isn't true because we can be smarter than some adults. And one BIG bullying problem no one noticed,but i did, the lanyard colors grade code.Red 6th,Blue 7th,Green 8th.Now if we could wear any kind or color no one would say hey little 6th grader or some stupid remark that is caused from the lanyard color code. And another thing about uniform is how you wear it then you may get called nerdy or ghetto or average or follower or SWAG.Now people only say sw@g,ghetto,or nerdy the others people say in their mind. Now if we could wear whatever we want then we wouldnt care what you look like just what ourselves look like. Now just look at Woodlands now... WE ALL LOOKIN FRESH...........