Get Rid of Downtown Charlottesville Parking Meters

The City of Charlottesville has just piloted the implementation of parking meters downtown. It has been a failure, discouraging residents and tourists alike from parking close to the mall and other downtown locations. The meter itself is confusing and often located too far from the spots, thus making it time consuming to park. It's frustrating for those who don't realize they're going to be asked for a license plate number (a violation of privacy, in my opinion) and hard on elderly & disabled & tourists who don't realize they will be asked for a license plate and often have to walk back to their cars to get the license plate #. This can add another 5-10 minutes to what is likely a quick errand. It's too expensive for some residents and tourists who must then drive all around looking for free parking. Ultimately it discourages commerce and creates bad feeling and frustration among those of us who patronize the mall frequently. Plain and simple we do not need them. There are parking garages for those who plan to be at the mall for a long time and can afford the time to get their tickets stamped. Let's band together and let the City know the pilot was a failure.