Get our kids back to IN SCHOOL learning

I am planning to send a petition to the NH department of education asking them to investigate Pelham’s school board decision to keep our kids 100% remote. No documentation supports or clearly explains this decision, in fact it feels contradictory. Our health officer and our Superintendent are in support of in school learning and our school board voted against their recommendation. We do not have high instance of COVID in school, 75% of our parents chose in school learning, and sports are still happening. It seems more to me that this was a plan all along based on rumors around town. Pelham chose to offer parent choice, however this is not a choice us parents have made. I personally have expressed concerns to the superintendent and the School board and have still not received answers that warrant this. Surrounding districts are at least offering a hybrid model- I propose this over completely remote.
Our kids are suffering, emotionally and educationally. Especially our younger kids- how can we expect first and second graders to learn through a tablet? Not to mention the long term effects of screen time we are inflicting on them. Not to mention the financial hardship this is creating for all families who are not able to stay home with their children. I respect and applaud teachers for all they do, I just feel this decision does not make sense, and we need and deserve answers and our kids deserve better.