Get One Direction to play a show in Little Rock, Arkansas for their 2012 or 2013 tour.
The title pretty much explains everything! I was unable to get VIP to a show because of a family tragedy and we needed to save up money to get back to Arizona because of it. I have been a fan of 1D since December of 2010 & have been trying to see them/meet them ever since, the closest they are coming is Missouri and that is sold out & I know a LOT of people, including people in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri, etc. who would come to a show in Little Rock. Throughout the past few years, the Jonas Brothers & Justin Bieber have sold out the arena here so it is a 'hot spot' and would be a great venue for the guys to play, so please spread the word and help get as many signatures as possible so I can try to get it to the venue and management to see if we can make this happen! I know this fandom is close and I'd love as much help as possible! Thank you! - Brianna King.