Get LCI backpacks back
Hannah Nation 0

Get LCI backpacks back

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Hannah Nation 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
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LCI backbacks have been banned. Help get them back! :D

*A note to LCI*

I hope this doesn't offend you in any way, shape, or form. I see your logical reasoning of "stuff" being hidden inside backpacks, but can't the same be done in string bags? Also, String bags have small strings that can dig into your shoulder joints but can also break if the string bag is weak, which most are. Backpacks, on the other hand, have comfortable straps and padding to cushion and fit to the bodys back position while walking. They can hold the giant binders we have and make walking around the large school seamless.

Thank you for your consideration(and for giving me something to write about for the ethical issues essay),

From, Hannah Nation [This Petition has been protected by the first amendment]

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